Color Fastness To Rubbing

Color fastness to rubbing is one of the basic color fastness tests among the many color fastness tests for textile intrinsic quality indicators. The test standards of different countries have the same principle but different details. 

The rubbing colour fastness test is carried out on a rubbing colour fastness tester. In terms of rubbing method, there are three kinds of rubbing test methods: parallel reciprocating type, bridge type and rotating rubbing. Usually, the standard white cotton cloth for rubbing is fixed on the rubbing head, and under certain pressure, the dyed fabrics are rubbed according to the specified rubbing method, the number of rubbing times and the rubbing range to complete the test operation. Usually, the white friction cloth is used in both dry and wet conditions. After drying the friction fabric specimens, the degree of staining of the friction white fabrics is evaluated with a standard stained grey sample card under a quasi-light source. The test methods vary from country to country in terms of friction range and speed, friction head pressure and size, moisture content of the cloth and humidification method. These differences have an impact on the test results.


Colour fastness to rubbing standardisation
Item GB/T 3920-2008 AATCC8-2007 AATCC 116-2010 JIS L0849-2004
Specimen size/mm 50X140 50X130 At least 25mm square

Tribometer Type I :50X140

Tribometer Type I :30×220

Friction head size/mm

Round (general fabric) diameter: 16±0.1

Square (fleece): 19×25.4

Round Diameter:


Round Diameter:


Round Diameter:


Vertical pressure of friction head/N 9±0.2 9±0.9 11.1± 1.1 9±0.9
Friction range/mm 104±3 104± 3 not have 100
Friction times 10 rubs in 10s 10 rubs in 10s 40 opposite trajectories 100 rubs in 200s
Friction cloth size/mm Non-fleece:


50X50 51X51 60×60
General Terms and Conditions of Cybozu Friction Cloth 100%cotton


100% combed cotton


100% combed cotton


100% cotton

85% whiteness

Water content of friction cloth/per cent 95~100 65 65 100
Running direction Friction cloth warp direction is the same as the running direction Friction cloth warp direction is the same as the running direction fixed point rotation Friction cloth warp direction is the same as the running direction
Sample card for rating G8 251 colour staining sample card AATCC Grey Card or Colour AATCC Grey Card or Colour JISL0805 Put colour grey card

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